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Southern Sandstone

Harrison's Rocks

Owned by the British Mountaineering Council and managed by locals, Harrison's Rocks is the perfect place to start climbing as it caters for all abilities. There are nearly 400 climbs at the outcrop, with grades ranging from very easy for the complete beginner, to extremely tricky for the accomplished climber. The rocks are soft by nature and there is a specific code of practice laid out by the BMC that we follow to minimise damage to the crags. Book your course today and learn all about southern sandstone ethics.


Rock Climbing will take you to places that you would never have gone to otherwise. Many first-class climbers, including the world-renowned Sir Chris Bonington, started their careers at Harrison's Rocks.
There's a world of rock and adventure out there waiting for you to explore! Here's one of our instructors, Sarah Cullen, climbing in Scotland.
Start your adventure on southern sandstone and book your course today.


It's easy to get going quickly on southern sandstone with a guiding hand from one of our experienced and professional instructors. You will be shimmying up some tricky routes in no time. Learn about sandstone ethics and how to look after the southern sandstone crags. Always follow the sandstone code of practice.